Implementation Tools The Roadmap for Assessing Meaningful Participation (RAMP)

To request individual or group certification training on the use of the RAMP, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program or call (828) 608-6707.

The Roadmap for Assessing Meaningful Participation (RAMP) is an assessment tool to assist parents and early intervention providers to identify and analyze interest-based opportunities to promote child development and functional participation prior to the development of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The Roadmaps in each section of the RAMP demonstrate an efficient manner in which to conduct a three-part conversation (gathering information, participation-based observation/assessment, and outcome development) using a coaching interaction style (Rush & Shelden, 2020). The coaching interaction style maximizes the potential that the interactions follow a systematic process and have a capacity-building effect on the parent.

The RAMP Manual contains instructions and conversation flow charts for using the RAMP to gather information about child interests and family routines, conducting a functional assessment, and generating child learning outcomes.

The RAMP Workbook contains organized space for practitioners to document child interests, family routines, and notes from the functional observation.

To request individual or group certification training on the use of the RAMP, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program or call (828) 608-6707.