Implementation Tools the Child Interest and Activity Plan Old

Certification training is available

The Child Interest and Activity Plan (CIAP) is a step-by-step observation planning guide for early intervention/early childhood practitioners and families to use to promote child learning as a part of everyday activities and routines during a visit and between visits. The CIAP uses the characteristics of natural learning environment practices and a coaching interaction style to build parents’ capabilities during the visit. The CIAP guides the practitioner through the process of (1) following-up on the previous between visit family plan; (2) planning, practicing, and reflecting on the current visit’s focus activity or observation; and (3) the development of a new between-visit family plan and the plan for the next visit.

The CIAP Manual contains instructions information about natural learning environment practices (NLEP) and a coaching interaction style, a quick start guide and a series of Roadmaps for Reflection–conversation flow charts illustrating the flow of visit using NLEP and coaching. s.

The CIAP Worksheets contain organized space for practitioners to document child interests, family routines, and caregiver responsive strategies.

To request individual or group certification training on the use of the FIP-EI, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program or call (828) 433-2661.